Tom and I couldn’t have been more excited when we found out we were expecting Evelyn.

We had lost 3 pregnancies early on and to see her very healthy at the 12 week scan, we were immediately consumed with love.

Our 20 week scan came and despite being told she was a little boy at a private scan a few weeks earlier, we were delighted to find we were having a very healthy daughter.

But our excitement was short lived when on the 29th March 2019 I felt something was wrong.

I’d had a particularly busy and stressful day at work the previous day, but when I woke I realised I hadn’t felt Evelyn move since the day before.

I rang and spoke to the day assessment unit who agreed to see me despite only being 23+6 weeks. I was seen by a lovely midwife who said she’d do a scan to put my mind at rest, but I knew immediately that we’d lost our little girl.

The silence was deafening. I crumbled.

The midwife called my partner and the 20minutes it took him to get to the hospital felt like an eternity.

When he arrived we both sobbed together.

The following days went by in a blur, I was induced 2 days later and Evelyn was born sleeping on 1st April 2019. Tiny but perfect.

The care we received was brilliant however there are currently no bereavement midwives in our area which meant we were left to navigate our way through funeral planning, post-mortems and grief by ourselves.

We know that Sands are campaigning for all trusts to have a bereavement midwife, and we are supporting them in order to do this.