We found out we were expecting twins in December 2018 and due August 2019! Went for my 12 week scan and found out that our twin A had a birth defect, called Encephalocele. They gave us the option to do reduction or to continue the pregnancy. We decided to continue to give twin B a chance.

I went to hospital 4th May 2019 with contraction pains, was admitted and on complete bed-rest. However, we went into labour on 14 May 2019, despite me being 26 weeks plus + 5 days, I was on gas and air when I decided I needed to go toilet. Got off the bed and I had a horrible contraction. I pushed once. My waters broke and out came Jeremiah (twin a). He was born at 22:34.

But then I had huge bleed, my placenta was still attached but my cervix was already closing up again. So I was given magnesium which made me throw up. Then I got prepped for emergency c section. Ezekiel was born 00:09 on 15 May 2019. He was rushed to NICU due to being so premature.

We lost Jeremiah at 7:02am, and it’s been the hardest thing we’ve been through. We had to explain to our eldest son who’s 4 years old what happened. We thought we had more time to prepare, but we didn’t. Robbed of 3 months of pregnancy and growth, and robbed of our precious baby boy. We now have our twinless twin, Ezekiel who is fighting for his life in NICU.