When a baby dies before, during or shortly after birth, amid the devastation and grief, many parents are left with one question. Why did my baby die? 

Our film is aimed at supporting newly bereaved parents with clear information about the purpose of a review and how parents might be involved. It shares the perspectives of bereaved parents talking about their own experiences and how the review helped them. It also features the voices of healthcare professionals from maternity, newborn and children’s care describing what parents should expect from the review process.    


UK-wide video

Scotland-specific video


A review or investigation into the care a mother and baby have received is aimed at answering that question. But often parents don’t know these are taking place or that they can ask their own questions about their care and why certain decisions were made.  

We hope this film will support parents in those early days of bereavement in understanding what processes will take place to support their understanding of what happened and why their baby died.  

You can find out more about the review process here.