Health care professionals can have a positive influence on how families experience their care when a baby dies.  No level of care can take away the pain families feel but high quality care can help families process their grief and begin to learn to live without their much-loved baby.

High quality bereavement care involves

  1. A recognition of parenthood
  2. Sensitive and effective communication
  3. Enabling informed choice
  4. Grief & trauma awareness
  5. Support for staff
  6. The National Bereavement Care Pathway

Here we provide some resources to support you in the care you give.

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Sands survey of care findings

Sands survey of maternity and neonatal care findings

In the spring of 2019, Sands canvassed the views and experiences of parents to find out about their experiences of...

Bereavement Care in UK maternity units survey 2016

Bereavement Care in UK maternity units survey 2016

Surveys full report pdf

Black and South Asian Surveys Full Report

In the summer of 2021, Sands sought the experiences of parents and family members from Black and South Asian communities...

Surveys report summary pdf

Black and South Asian Surveys Report Summary

In the summer of 2021, Sands sought the experiences of parents and family members from Black and South Asian communities...

NBCP interim baseline evaluation report April

Evaluation of the National Bereavement Care Pathway interim report

This interim report falls part way through the implementation of the evaluation. It covers the following areas: The analysis of...


Held In Our Hearts: Parent to Parent Post-Mortem Authorisation Animation

This animation is designed to enable a family to make an informed choice regarding a post-mortem. It has been created...


Interim report (Wave two) Evaluation of the National Bereavement Care Pathway (NBCP)

Evaluation of the National Bereavement Care Pathway (NBCP) Interim report (Wave two)

Listening to parents report

Listening to Parents Report

The National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU) has published Listening to parents. This is the first national survey of bereaved parents’...

Palliative Care on Neonatal Units Guidance

Palliative Care on Neonatal Units Guidance

Practical Guidance for the Management of Palliative Care on Neonatal Units Guidance published by the Chelsea and Westminster hospital team.

Saying Sorry is not a Blame Game

Sands has supported parents, who have experienced the devastating death of their baby around the time of birth, for more...

Stillbirth, neonatal death, baby death, Sands, charity, guide, help, health professionals

Stillbirth - how professionals can make a difference

Our Stillbirth - how professionals can make a difference booklet provides key recommendations for maternity units to improve the care...

Supporting Parents with the Stillbirth Registration Process for Healthcare Professionals

Supporting Parents with the Stillbirth Registration Process for Healthcare Professionals - Guidance and Video

This video and flyer are designed to help healthcare professionals provide the support and information parents need to navigate the...