DISCERN – understanding how to improve discussions with families when things go wrong in maternity care


The DISCERN study looked at how to improve open disclosure with families after things go wrong while receiving NHS maternity care.

Open disclosure is the open and ongoing discussion with families that the NHS maternity care the hospital provided has directly caused harm. The study highlights that effective open disclosure discussions should provide families with open and honest answers to ensure that the same mistakes do not happen again. 

The research included interviews with healthcare professionals and families, observations of discussions in hospitals, examination of documents related to safety in maternity services and existing research around open disclosure. The research team also carried out focus groups with families, healthcare professionals and policymakers. The researchers then produced recommendations on how best to improve open disclosure in practice and identified areas where improvements would be expected to make the most difference, such as involving families in reviews, and families being kept informed about subsequent improvements in care in the future.

The study's recommendations include clear guidance on training needed for healthcare professionals, along with processes for setting up better systems to support parents and families during these ongoing discussions. Throughout the study, bereaved parents and family members were involved in shaping, monitoring and sharing the research through a Project Advisory Group, which Sands helped to establish.

This video from the DISCERN study shows the difference that effective open disclosure can make for bereaved parents and families and for maternity services.


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