Parents’ experience of hospital review into their care, Sands Survey 2021

Parents have the greatest stake in understanding why their baby died and every parent should be told a hospital review is taking place. It is also vital they are given the opportunity to ask any questions about their care they want the review to address and share their vies and concerns.

The Perinatal Mortality Review Tool (PMRT), which is used for local hospital review in the UK, has a pathway and resources to support communication with parents. But are these resources which were rolled out in 2019 working and what are parents’ experiences of review?

We wanted to find out in our 2021 Survey: Understanding why your baby died: parents’ experience of hospital review.

The findings of the survey are in published in both a full and thematic report.

In their own words: Full report

In their own words: Thematic analysis, Joanne Dickens, University of Leicester

In their own words: Infographic summary

Sands 6 Principles to guide Best Practice in Parent Engagement


Sands animation ‘A Unique Perspective’ supports professionals in understanding what’s meant by parent engagement in hospital review.