Having already had a straight forward, low risk pregnancy with our daughter who is 4, I had no idea a baby could die in the womb when they are healthy and showing no signs of being in distress.

At 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant I realised baby had been fairly quiet that evening. I had already heard her heartbeat on the doppler that day at hospital so I had no reason to worry. But I know as well as every other mother, if you're concerned you get checked. 

When the midwife couldn't find the heartbeat I just assumed she was new to the job or just wasn't sure what to do but when the doctor scanned me all their faces stayed the same - complete shock.

'Im sorry but there's no heartbeat' 

I shortly realised I was going to have to deliver my daughter who had already passed away, something no mother should have to do.

Abbie Helen Watson was delivered two days later on 18th February 2018 and was completely perfect. We spent two days with her before being discharged. We later found out she suffered a loss of oxygen as the placenta failed to provide for her. 


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