After morning sickness in the first trimester, my pregnancy was smooth until 20 weeks.

We found out we were having twins at 10 weeks and at 19 weeks we had the anatomy scan. We were having a boy and a girl - both of whom were perfect. The day after the scan I started bleeding but was sent home after being told it was just cervical ectropian. Fours days later I had cramping. I thought it was just growing pains. That afternoon I started bleeding again and we went to A&E that evening. At 11pm I was told I was in labour, both babies had heartbeats but there was nothing they could do for the babies.

I was in labour for 15 hours. I had an infection, an infection had sent me into labour early. The majority of our friends have been amazing. However, few people understand what happens when you have a late miscarriage. They do not know that you go through labour, that you have to give birth to a baby knowing there is no chance of survival, that your baby may be with you for a short time. That their daddy got to hold them and cuddle them during their short lives. That we were all together.

A day doesn’t go by where we don’t think of our Logan and Lottie. Hopefully we will have a rainbow soon and they will always know about their brother and sister. By sharing Logan and Lottie’s stories we want to raise awareness around late miscarriage and the reality of what happens when you lose a baby, or babies, at 20 weeks.


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