We work in partnership with other organisations and networks to pool our collective knowledge and resources to make a bigger impact.  

We campaign across the UK to raise awareness of the issues in relation to pregnancy and baby loss, obtain widespread commitment to reducing the number of babies dying, and ensure the right care and support is available at the right time after the death of a baby.  

We hold the Government to account, for example by monitoring and analysing available data on the numbers of babies dying and tracking this against national targets. 

Find out about how we are doing this and how you can support us below.  

Sharing evidence  

We gather feedback and information from bereaved parents, professionals and health services to inform government policy and support practice.  

Recent examples of this include: 

  1. In February 2024, our Chief Executive, Clea Harmer, was invited to give evidence to the House of Lords Preterm Birth Committee. Read about Clea giving evidence.
  2. In February 2024, we also submitted evidence to the APPG on Birth Trauma’s Inquiry into the causes of Birth Trauma.  
  3. In December 2024, we submitted an organisational response to the Change NHS Consultation helping to shape a new 10 Year Health Plan for England. You can read a summary of our response.

Baby Loss Awareness Week  

Every year during Baby Loss Awareness Week (9 to 15 October) we work with other charities to influence policy to improve bereavement care and reduce baby death.  Read more about Baby Loss Awareness Week.

As the leader of the Baby Loss Awareness Week Alliance we are so proud that Baby Loss Awareness Week won the award for best campaign at the GloMama Awards 2024. Read about the 2024 GloMama Awards.

Sands, Tommy's and our Joint Policy Unit host Parliamentary Event

On the 5 November 2024, we co-hosted an event in Parliament on baby loss. This was an exciting opportunity to meet new and returning MPs, following the election in July 2024, and inform them about our latest work and campaigns.  

Over 50 MPs joined us to speak with bereaved parents involved in our #EndInequalityInBabyLoss campaign and find out how we can work together to stop inequalities.

Many MPs commented that they were pleased to see two organisations working together on the same issue and this demonstrates the importance of working in partnership with other organisations to pool our collective knowledge and resources to make a bigger impact. 

Joint Policy Unit 

In 2022 Sands and Tommy’s came together to form a Joint Policy Unit. Together we are focussed on achieving policy change that will save more babies’ lives during and tackle inequalities in loss, so that everyone can benefit from the best possible outcomes.  

Read more about the Joint Policy Unit and their reports. 


Pregnancy and Baby Charities Network  

As a member of the Pregnancy and Baby Charities Network, Sands has worked collaboratively with over 20 other organisations over a number of years to influence policy in order to address inequalities and improve outcomes across the country.  

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