Your stories help raise awareness of the issues surrounding stillbirth and neonatal death, and also help other bereaved parents to understand that they are not alone.
My Story From that day my life would never be the same. Part of me had died. My plans and my future had changed. Nothing would ever be the same again. Read this story
My first little boy I love you so much my darling Leo, mummy will never forget you or the times we had together. Read this story
Baby loss and me... the Dad Spare a thought for the dad. He will be hurting more than you know and no doubt more than he will admit. Read this story
Wee Fighter We will always remember the little things he used to do, and how his personality shone through. He will always be our "wee fighter". Read this story
My Oscar Angel I hope you're up there having an amazing play date baby O. We miss you every day. Read this story
My Beautiful First Born My beautiful baby boy was born on 21st May weighing 1lb 4oz I couldn’t believe how perfect he was. Read this story
My beautiful boy On the 1st of March 2017 you were born, I never got to hear you cry, I never got to feel your breath on me. Read this story
Stephen's story I left his room untouched for the days that I feel I need to be close to him. The pain of losing a child cannot be explained, only experienced. Read this story
'Just a precaution' I find I am Pregnant, and I am terrified, and I am surprised, I don't know what to do. 5 years without a whisper of pregnancy and here it is when I wasn't even trying. But I knew from the second I picked up that test that I loved you. Read this story
Daniella's Story I remember taking that pregnancy test - 3 times negative and 4th time positive. I remember those movements like they were yesterday. Why you left us I will never know. Read this story
I see her in you I wrote this poem following the birth of my daughter, Autumn Nancy, 13 months after my first daughter Mara Ivy was stillborn. Read this story
My Butterfly Baby Though the time spent together was a lifetime too short I'll treasure it forever. Read this story
My beautiful little man On 25th April 2015 I got the news that my beautiful little man had passed away, I had just froze and my heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest as this was a hard time for me already wit Read this story
My wee woman I found out I'd lost my baby at only 12 weeks pre term in December 2016. There are no words I can use to describe the feeling of utter despair that I felt. Read this story