Your stories help raise awareness of the issues surrounding stillbirth and neonatal death, and also help other bereaved parents to understand that they are not alone.
Jenny Yesterday, today, tomorrow For all eternity We are one My third daughter, my Angel, my Jenny Read this story
My Guardian Angel When I was told that I was expecting a baby girl, I was thrilled, excited and couldn't wait to meet her. Read this story
He would have been 3 years old this week. He will not be forgotten. We miss you Alex. Your three sisters and your new sister Heidi, Mummy and Daddy all love you so much. Read this story
My sleeping angel At 4:21am Sunday 15th October my baby Logan Sam Harman was born. I have never seen someone so beautiful. Read this story
My perfect angel I didn't know how someone could be so perfect to me, a mothers love really does beat everything. Read this story
Turners Syndrome October 2017 found out I was expecting my third baby my first pregnancy I had a miscarriage at 6/40 weeks which has was a huge blow but soon after fell pregnant with my daughter Emily-Rose who has& Read this story
I never saw him. I never held him I never saw my son. I never held him. Still I am searching down endless corridors in the night. Read this story
A special little angel The pain of losing a baby is a pain of no other. I will never be fit to express the pain that I felt throughout my whole body, the day I was told my baby had died. Read this story
Dexter The day I lost my son, I lost me. I lost a part of me, everything changed. My thought process, how I saw myself, how I dealt with my own emotions. Read this story
My baby boy born stillborn 15.08.17 40+6 weeks I spent a whole 3 weeks with my baby until I finally let him go to his place of rest, all these photos, memories, moments spent, are hard to get over. Read this story
Never Forgotten, Never Seen Our little boy arrived a bit early due to placenta previa - undiagnosed by two GPs. He weighed 3.5 lbs He would have been the first baby boy to be born in our extended family. Read this story
Our little baby bat - Lucas When I was first told I would need to deliver my baby I was horrified, but after going through it, for me it was the most natural way and I am so grateful I got to meet him and hold him. Read this story