Your stories help raise awareness of the issues surrounding stillbirth and neonatal death, and also help other bereaved parents to understand that they are not alone.
Callum Thomas I had a normal pregnancy and suffered from all the normal sickness backache etc. Read this story
From Mitchell and Elle's Mummy I sit here on a Saturday night wondering 'Why am I not a Mummy'. Read this story
Poem for Kieryn by his mum Cheryl The teardrops still fall, our hearts remain sad. Thinking of Kieryn, our wonderful lad. A beautiful child, so perfect and new, Read this story
Alan Richard Sturgeon We found out we were pregnant in December 2005, we weren't trying for a baby, so it was a shock. My GP confirmed my pregnancy and was elated, as he has been my G.P since I was young. Read this story
Poem for Jack by his mum Melanie If only you could have opened your tiny eyes, If only we hadn't had to say our Goodbyes, If only you were with us, here, now, If only, if only. We miss you, how. Read this story
Little Star - for David by Cheryl Little star shining bright up among the moon so bright there you will stay so high and so bright shining down your wondrous light. Read this story
Baby Mirage Tonight I saw an angel The tiniest angel of all My baby angel is peaceful He doesn’t want to cry His heart is beating slowly Translucent skin and eyes Read this story
Bryonie and Lucy My girls were born three months early due to twin to twin transfusion syndrome and were both taken within a month, here is their story: Read this story
Callum Goodnight baby Callum, it's time to sleep We've got your handprints and memories to keep. Read this story
Xanthe’s story I am a 34 year old married woman with a 2 year old son. On 4th April this year at 1.25am I was 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant when our beautiful baby daughter, Xanthe, was stillborn. Read this story
George’s story I had suffered health problems including Rheumatoid Arthritis since I was 26. Read this story
Owen On 4th June 2005, our first child, a much wanted son Owen, was born silently into our lives. His tiny heart had stopped beating some 36 hours previously. We were 41 weeks pregnant. Read this story