Your stories help raise awareness of the issues surrounding stillbirth and neonatal death, and also help other bereaved parents to understand that they are not alone.
Faye’s story I became pregnant at 18 and in no way did I think anything could go wrong. I thought that I was invincible. Read this story
Mackenzie Lena I gave birth to my first baby on the 14th July 2005. I knew it was a girl from the 20 week scan so she already had her name, Mackenzie Lena. She was 10 days overdue so I was induced in the end. Read this story
Our little button: Eve Alexandra Bailey Tony and I were overjoyed to find out that we were pregnant with our long-awaited first child. Read this story
Joshua Paul James Hicks We had been trying for a long time to get pregnant, we had undergone tests and even got as far as being put on the IVF waiting list when I fell pregnant with Joshua, he was due on 20th November 200 Read this story
Lucy by her Mum Sally My husband (Matt) and I met five years ago and got married two years ago, we were blissfully happy and blissfully naive as to what the future would hold - I now look back on the day and long to be Read this story
Keigan's story It was Friday 8th of September my birthday and I had an appointment at the clinic with my midwife Wendy. Read this story
Adam In January 2004 to my surprise and shock I discovered I was pregnant. It was completely unplanned this as we were busy arranging our forthcoming wedding on 24th April. Read this story
Our Ellie Hello our baby Ellie with lovely brown hair A very special little girl who now has gone away Our hearts are truly broken since you left on Mothers Day And if we could have one wish, it would be for you to stay! Read this story
Angel Angel I'm so sad today, Still angry at the world for taking you away, I wish things were different I ache to hold you close, Read this story
Poem for James Edward Gadd by his mum Jo The days, the weeks, the years have gone by I can't mend this broken heart no matter how hard I try I think about you every day You were so perfect in every way 10.9Ilbs so big and strong Read this story
For Mia With Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, We know that's where you are. In a land of rainbow colours, So near and yet so far. Read this story
Our baby boy Hi I am Hannah I lost my first born, a baby boy on the 11th March 2005. I had an excellent healthy pregnancy, which I really enjoyed. I lost him at 40 weeks 3 days he was still born. Read this story
Pax Christina's fourth child, Pax, was stillborn at 26 weeks gestation in July 2000. She wrote the following piece and read it out at his funeral. Read this story
Daisy – our precious little one. When I spoke to friends of mine that were mothers to grill them about the pain of childbirth, the reply from most was along the lines of ‘oh you forget all that as soon as you have your baby in you Read this story
23 Years on... and still thinking about Baby Shane My name is Erica, and I am Baby Shane's Mummy. Baby Shane died at 8 weeks old on May 29th 1983. Read this story