Your stories help raise awareness of the issues surrounding stillbirth and neonatal death, and also help other bereaved parents to understand that they are not alone.
Joan's Story Over 50 years ago my Mum was forced to carry her baby daughter, Joanne to full term, even though she had died inside the womb a month earlier, no explanation given, bu Read this story
Scarlotte Hope Walton “Scarlotte Hope Walton, born 25th February 2013 at 6.30pm. Weighing 7lb 14oz. Mum and baby are doing well.” Read this story
As a Grandparent As a grandparent of a still born little lad I wrote this when it was so hard to put things in perspective. Read this story
Our angel Alya I found out I was pregnant the day after my birthday. It was the best birthday present ever, we had been trying for so long and just thought it would never happen. Read this story
The choice of a parent My husband and I decided to end our pregnancy at 21 weeks, our daughter, Kasia, was born on the 17th June 2018, at 21 weeks and 6 days, she was 380g and beautiful in every way. Read this story
My angel daughter When we found out you were in the womb we loved you from that day but we now hold you in our hearts instead of our arms, because we thought we would have a baby but we had an angel inst Read this story
Sienna In January 2014 we found out we were pregnant, I had horrendous sickness but other than that a relatively trouble free pregnancy, although Sienna was top of the scale “big” I had regula Read this story
Our daughter Edith As a child I thought that I would grow up, become a police officer, get married, have 2 children, and live happily ever after. Read this story
Broken Christmas Dreams You; our first-born daughter, arrived on Christmas Day - only to be urgently and frantically whisked away. Read this story
Grandson Noah Noah was a surprise baby, a wonderful exciting surprise! My daughter was 21, some family members said too young... Read this story
Darcy It was 20 years ago yesterday that Darcy made an appearance, I remember that day like it was only yesterday. Read this story
Isabella’s story Your story begins in the early hours of the morning on 6th of December 2015, I woke up in pain thinking this is it it’s time Read this story
I never got to hold you! July 30 1966. The day that England won the World Cup! That date will be forever etched in my memory. My baby was due on July 31st, but he waited until August 11th to make his debut! Read this story
Finding my Baby David The journey started for me in the Summer of 2018, when, after a visit to my Auntie’s on the 7th August, we briefly mentioned my little deceased brother, and after we co Read this story