Your stories help raise awareness of the issues surrounding stillbirth and neonatal death, and also help other bereaved parents to understand that they are not alone.
Elliot - Born Still, But Still Born I had a reasonably complication-free pregnancy, and was given a due date of 13th October 2008 at my 12 week scan. Read this story
Three - A song by Andy Verey This year marks the 5 year birthday of my daughter Bella who was stillborn. Read this story
Cherish the Boy - The Story of Noah George Yates Myself and my fiancé became parents to our son Noah George Yates on the 19/09/2018. Unfortunately he was born sleeping at 41 weeks. Read this story
Our first meeting The day began like all the rest, I stroked my bump and took a breath Then pains got worse but I stayed strong, Though in my heart the pain felt wrong, Read this story
AIDEN WILLIAM MENZIES 2.11.17 On 30th October 2017 the day started off like any normal day I was 34 and a half weeks pregnant and in my last week of work before maternity leave. Read this story
My beautiful son On the 13th March 2018 my world fell apart. On the 12th March I started having stomach cramps, which the GP assured me were braxton hicks. I was 33 weeks 4 days when they started. Read this story
My first pregnancy I’ve always been exposed to death, working as a palliative care nurse you think you can handle any situation, we are described as being as strong as steel. Read this story
The day our lives changed forever Friday evening going into labour at 11:00pm on the way to the hospital with contractions every couple of excited.. Read this story
Reunited with our little girl after 57 years My day today has been so sad but happy. Our baby girl Rosemary was stillborn in April 1961. My husband and I were 22 at the time and very naive. Read this story
Awareness for triploidy 💙 Time for me to tell Louis’ story and raise some awareness for triploidy as it isn’t very well known... On the 13th June 2018 the day that changed me forever! Read this story
Monumental visit to the grave of my little brother for the first time in 45 years!!! WE’VE FOUND YOU BROTHER DAVID We’ve found you brother David, We can’t believe it’s true, We’ve thought about you long and hard, Read this story
My beautiful angel I was at 22 weeks and 5 days. The week before I went for my 21 week scan and was told our little girl was perfectly happy, but I just didn’t believe it. Read this story
Why this way I had a pretty good pregnancy but towards the end I could not feel him moving. Read this story
Sympathetic people and grieving parents: a castrated dialogue As a grieving mother of a baby girl born and lost almost six months ago, I’m in the middle of what they call “the angry stage”. Read this story