Your stories help raise awareness of the issues surrounding stillbirth and neonatal death, and also help other bereaved parents to understand that they are not alone.
Too beautiful for earth On the 20th December 2018 I went for my 20 week scan happy to see my princess again after many miscarriages. Read this story
My star in the sky I already had a daughter so when I found out I was pregnant with my second child I could not have been happier our family was to be complete. Read this story
Baby Noah On the 5th of September 2018 we was told that are baby had alobar holoprosencephaly and would have no chance of survival if born full term so we had to have baby put to sleep at 25 week Read this story
Rachel Rachel was our third child. Our first was born at 34 weeks by emergency C-Section because of foetal distressed caused by APH and he spent the first 3 weeks of his life in NICU. Read this story
Firstborn gone but never forgotten The day I found out I was pregnant is always going to be one to be remembered. It was 19th February and my mum had been over for the weekend. Read this story
Katie and Adam The loss of both my babies happened over 30 years ago and the reason I want to share this now, is that I didn't receive any bereavement care/counselling at all, and sometimes wonder how Read this story
I chose to end my baby’s suffering... In May 2018 my husband and I discovered we were expecting our second child. We were both over the moon about having another baby! Read this story
Our Baby Benjamin, Our Angel Baby The world may never notice if a snowdrop doesn't bloom, or even pause to wonder if the petals will fall too soon. Read this story
I am sorry Benjamin, I wanted you so much more than anyone ever really knew, I still do. Read this story
Bella and Daisy I was pregnant with identical twins, at 17 weeks my waters broke at work. I was advised that I was having a miscarriage. Read this story
Abbie's Story Having already had a straight forward, low risk pregnancy with our daughter who is 4, I had no idea a baby could die in the womb when they are healthy and showing no signs of being in d Read this story
Loss of our perfect Elliot I will never forget the moment we found out we were expecting our perfect little baby. Read this story
Our baby boy On Monday 4th February myself and partner received the most awful news at our 20 week scan that our baby had a very rare condition and survive I was 21 weeks pregnant thinking that I wa Read this story
I didn't believe them Ethenn was my second child and when I went into labour the day after fathers day 2012 I waved off my eldest and went into hospital. Read this story